Create an Online Course with Teachable

Looking for a Teachable tutorial?

You are in the right spot.

One of the greatest course builders available is Teachable, a platform for creating online courses. And now you’ll discover how to use Teachable to develop and market an online course.

Should you use Teachable to set up your course?

Most importantly, do you need Teachable as your teaching platform?

Should you choose a different platform? Or perhaps even create your own platform?

What’s more—and this is crucial—are online courses worth the hype?

Next, we’ll check it out.

What justifies developing an online course?
Did you realize there is a huge market for online education? It was estimated to be worth $250 billion in 2020.

An excellent method to develop a highly scalable revenue stream and provide flexibility and independence is enrolling in an online self-study course.

A course you produce can be sold repeatedly without incurring additional production costs. It’s also one of the most lucrative business strategies available because you offer your courses digitally.

According to Teachable, the proportion of Teachable developers making six figures climbed by 38% in 2021. 7-figure earners also grew by 48%. Sales for Teachable’s developers reached $1 billion in 2020.

You may easily create your own successful course. I have assisted hundreds of individuals in starting and growing their online course companies. While living a fulfilling life, traveling, spending time with their families, and creating even greater legacies by expanding their enterprises, many of them earn multiple six-figure incomes from their courses.

Yes, your online course can enable you to make a greater effect on the globe. It is effective to teach someone how to accomplish something they may have been imagining doing for a long time. Additionally, based on what you instruct, your course may enable students to fundamentally alter their life.

Having stated that, how do you begin designing your course? Let’s first determine if Teachable is the most suitable platform for you.

Is Teachable the best platform for online education?

Teachable, which also happens to be one of my long-term collaborators, has my utmost admiration. I frequently present at their Teachable Summits and am their go-to speaker for anything related to online education and business.

I only suggest using them for course hosting. Why? Because I am confident that everything they produce meets the high standards I have for anything with my logo.

I haven’t discovered a single other apps that can hold a candle to Teachable. They get my highest recommendation if you’re deciding between it and other course platforms like Thinkific, Kajabi, or others.

I’ve only been on the “being taught” side of Teachable, but I am currently working on a course within this platform.

Using a plug-and-play platform like Teachable is far cheaper and less involved than building a course platform. For someone who is just starting to market their courses, I do not advise it.

What are the benefits of Teachable? 

Why then is Teachable such a great choice?

First off, using it is really simple. AND it comes with all the resources you need to create an effective course.

The drag-and-drop tools make it easy to build your complete course thanks to the user-friendly UI. Additionally, they are quite supportive if you need it.

The only program that has the functionality that every course developer requires is this one (from beginners to more advanced).

Do you need to use a course platform to create your course? 

Teachable is the platform I advise using if you’re looking for somewhere to upload your course. However, it’s not the only option available to course designers.

The issue is:

If you’re just starting out selling courses, you don’t have to utilize a course platform.

Uploading your course to a closed Facebook group is an even easier approach to making it available to the public. This is by far the most adaptable choice, and it’s also free.

Simply establish a Facebook group for your course and invite your students if you wish to go this way. Upload your course materials to the group’s Units or broadcast your stuff live. I personally haven’t tried this method, but through research have found quite a few people have had success doing it this way.

It needn’t be more difficult than that to create and market your course.

But there are other price options available for individuals that DO wish to utilize Teachable.

Let’s take a peek.

Teachables pricing

Teachable has four different pricing tiers:

  • Business $299/month
  • Pro $119/month
  • Basic $0/month
  • Free $0/month

The Basic plan permits custom domain names and has cheaper transaction costs than the Free plan, which are the two significant distinctions between them.

A paid membership will become economically viable after just a handful of purchases since the commission drops from $1 + 10% for the free edition to just 5% for the Basic version. Choose the Professional plan once you are more experienced (i.e., once you have sold a few courses at least). In the end, you might be able to save money.

You now see why Teachable is a wise decision. How do you utilize it, though? Here is a Teachable tutorial that is step-by-step.

How do you design an online course using Teachable?

Teachable’s simplicity of use is one of its advantages. You will have access to all the tools you require, including payment processing, sales pages, and other things, and your course won’t take more than a few hours to create.

What came first? establishing your Teachable institution.

Create your school

You should first select “Get started” on Teachable’s main page to register for an account.

After logging in, select “Create New School”. Your school’s name

Fill in the questions.

Just like that, you’re done now. You’ll now be taken to your dashboard where you may build a course.

Create your course

Click on the “+” icon next to “Products” or select “Courses” and then “New course” to start a new course.

Name your course and select an author, which will be visible to all your potential customers. 

Go to “Information” in the sidebar to start the basic setup of your course.

Your course may be published, reviewed, and deleted here.

You can provide a unique thumbnail logo, an image, or both that will be displayed to students in the course directory or the sidebar of the course syllabus.

You should use a 2560x1440px JPG or PNG file format for your image.

You can modify these settings since the iOS app uses various dimensions.

iOS background images should be 1080x607px JPG or PNG, while thumbnail images should be 300x300px JPG or PNG.

Additionally, you can modify the details of your course, such as its title, a potential subtitle, and the categories that support directory searches by students.

You can lock some portions of your course with premium plans so that students must follow particular procedures to access them.

Last but not least, provide the website you want students to be sent to after purchasing your course. Unless you have a different page in mind, use the standard thank you page here.

Add course content

Click “Curriculum” to add course content. However, you must first build sections and lectures before you can add any information. Lectures are course lessons, and sections are collections of lectures.

Sections can be thought of as topic groups of lectures. Therefore, if your course teaches students how to manage their personal finances, one segment may consist of a collection of lectures on debt repayment, another could instruct them on saving money, and a third could instruct them on investing.

Within the curriculum overview, select “New section” to create a section, and “Add new lecture” to construct a lecture.

To upload your course files and edit the lesson, click on it. The supported file types for any lectures are PDF, video, audio, and picture. Additional file kinds will be made available for download.

In order to aid students in tracking their progress, you may also provide text and quizzes. Additionally, under the “Custom code” area, you may include live video streams or embed YouTube videos.

You may also organize and delete lectures in the Lecture area, as well as add upsells and previews so that customers can preview course modules before purchasing them.

Design your course

Go to “Site” in the sidebar and select “Theme” to create your course. You may change the fonts, colors, and branding for your school here.

Go to “Curriculum” and “Design Templates” to change the look of your course page. Three templates are available: the traditional, the basic, and the massive. Unless there is a specific reason why you want to alter it, stick with the default theme.

Set the cost

Click “Add price plan” under “Pricing.” Free, one-time purchase, payment plan, and subscription are the four available pricing choices.

Select the price strategy you want to employ. (First-time course producers should choose a one-time purchase because this is the easiest sort, of course, to sell compared to subscription sites and such.) Now you may decide on a price.

What is a reasonable pricing range for your course, though?

Depending on elements like the outcomes students may expect, the course content and other considerations, a suitable pricing for a first-time course can range from $47 to $497.

Create your pages 

You need to build up a few pages before you start selling your course. Go to “Site” and select “Pages” to start creating them.

There are two perspectives available here, the “School” and “Product” pages.

Set up your homepage, terms and conditions, and privacy policy by hovering over “School pages.” Additional pages may be added if necessary, such as an About page or Contact page.

Go to “Courses” and select “Pages” to create the product pages you cannot change all of your course pages using the page editor in the “Site” tab.

The sales page, checkout page, and thank you page for your course can all be configured here. All of these pages are necessary to market your course.

Thankfully, Teachable’s page builder is a drag-and-drop application, so you don’t need any technical knowledge to create lovely websites.

Your sales page comes first.

Teachable also provides templates for your checkout and thank you pages, making it incredibly simple for you to set them up. Simply adhere to the directions, and you’re done.

Optimize your course

Teachable allows users a great deal of customization.

You should set up your own unique domain if you have a premium subscription. Go to “Site” and “Domains” to accomplish it.

To alter what students see in the navigation bar, you may also change your website’s navigation.

You may add additional entertaining strategies to boost your course sales, including discounts and referral schemes, in the “Site” area. However, keep in mind that getting your first sale should be your main priority while putting up your first course, and using these tools won’t help you do so.

Additionally, you may add custom code to create a really unique experience. However, this isn’t something you should focus on right now if you’re a first-time course builder. These options are reserved for more experienced course designers who have already had success with course sales.

Considering Creating Your Own Course On Teachable?

Sign up below and get started on your course today!

Set up emails

In Teachable, you may configure emails if you have a premium account. Take the time to set up your emails since they may truly assist you to build a wonderful client experience. Invite them to the course, for instance, and notify them anytime something in the course is updated.

If you’re struggling with ideas use the following sample, as a starting point, to write a welcome email:

Welcome to [your course]!

[Tell your students about the result they can get by implementing your course to make them excited about getting started with it.]

In these [X] classes, I will share the step to [whatever it is you teach].

Here’s an overview of [your course]:

[Walk your students through how they should use your course, for instance, “each lesson is completed with a quiz that opens up the next lesson for you.”] 


You’re all set to Hustle!

You have it now! That’s how you use Teachable. You can quickly put up your course with the help of this Teachable guide, allowing you to concentrate on marketing it and expanding your course company.

Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of getting your name out there, but this is a strong first step in the right direction.

What kind, of course, are you developing?

I’m curious to know!


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